Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I caught this OWL flying between the trees behind my home. The lighting was not the best from this angle but it was a sight to be seen. I just went back out to see if it was still there and it is in the split of a large tree eating on something. This is a beautiful Bird.
[Source: Good Times Society]
[Source: News Station]
posted by 77767 @ 1:18 PM,

- Lindsey Graham's protestations aside, it seems clear that there's neither the will nor the numbers to filibuster the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. I'm sure that won't stop Newt and Rush from alienating the rest of the country from the GOP, however.
- The president sent a letter to Max Baucus and Edward Kennedy reiterating his support for a public option for what feels like the inevitable health care reform bill that's slowly working its way through Congress. Meanwhile, Ezra Klein helpfully explains the relevance of MedPAC and why it might finally get some teeth, and Greg Sargent documents the Canadian influence.
- It's hard to disagree with the thesis of this Politico piece, that Obama is deliberately poaching GOP moderates for his administration in order to reduce the Republican party down to its core base of Southern supporters.
- The right has predictably been freaking out over a New York Times piece that asserts President Obama believes the United States could be "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." As usual, it helps to read the official transcript in these situations. The jury's still out on whether this is sillier than the latest mutterings coming from Michael Goldfarb.
- Mark Levin, last seen screaming at and berating a woman on the air, has a list of "The World's Most Deranged Bloggers." You'd think it would be a roll call of the Left's most pugnacious but actually it's four conservative pundits who tend to point out that people like Levin are nuts. It's odd to think that Levin, author of a book called "Liberty and Tyranny," apparently knows nothing about either subject, but we'll just call this Jonah Goldberg Syndrome from now on.
- Remainders: Tim Pawlenty suggests he'll do what the Minnesota Supreme Court tells him to do; Dave Weigel watches PajamasTV so you don't have to; and Stephen Colbert edits Newsweek?
--Mori Dinauer
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
[Source: Boston News]
[Source: Sun News]
[Source: China News]
posted by 77767 @ 12:09 PM,
Christie Keeps Lead Heading Into Primary

A new FDU PublicMind poll in New Jersey confirms how most other polls see tomorrow's Republican gubernatorial primary: Chris Christie (R) leads Steve Lonegan (R) by a healthy 54% to 30% margin. Another 11% are still undecided.
Christie Keeps Lead Heading Into Primary
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Christie Keeps Lead Heading Into Primary
[Source: Community News]
Christie Keeps Lead Heading Into Primary
[Source: News Leader]
Christie Keeps Lead Heading Into Primary
[Source: Msnbc News]
posted by 77767 @ 11:14 AM,
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama?"s Speech in Cairo

On June 4, President Obama will deliver a speech at 1:10 in the afternoon in Cairo, 6:10 in the morning in Washington, D.C. No matter where you are, watch it live on
The White House Blog previews President Obama's June 4 speech in Cairo:
The history of the relationship between America and the Muslim World is deeper and more complex than the common perception might suggest. Thomas Jefferson taught himself Arabic using his own Quran kept in his personal library, and had the first known presidential Iftaar by breaking fast with the Tunisian Ambassador at sunset. President Dwight Eisenhower attended the dedication ceremony of the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. on June 28, 1957. President Bill Clinton issued the first presidential greeting for Ramadan, appointed the first Muslim American ambassador, M. Osman Siddique, to Fiji, and sent the first presidential Eid al-Adha greeting to Muslims. And one year after President George W. Bush placed the Holy Quran in the White House library in 2005, Representative Keith Ellison was took the oath of office on the same Quran owned by Thomas Jefferson two hundred years before.
With his speech in Cairo, the President will lay another marker, addressing America’s relationship with the Muslim World in the heart of the Middle East. Whereas the past years and decades have deepened the rift in that relationship, the President will seek a new start by opening up a serious, honest dialogue to find areas of common interest where we agree, and new ways of communication where we do not. By continuing unprecedented outreach to the Muslim World, the President is strengthening national security and opening up new opprtunities to address some of the problems that have seemed so intractable over recent years.
The speech will be given at 1:10 in the afternoon in Cairo, 6:10 in the morning here in Washington, D.C. No matter where you are, watch it live on
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama?"s Speech in Cairo
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama?"s Speech in Cairo
[Source: News Station]
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama?"s Speech in Cairo
[Source: Advertising News]
Watch Live Webcast of President Obama?"s Speech in Cairo
[Source: China News]
posted by 77767 @ 11:06 AM,
Quote For The Day

"If anyone has an urge to kill someone at an abortion clinic, they should shoot me. ... It's madness. It discredits the right-to-life movement. Murder is murder. It's madness. You cannot prevent killing by killing." - John Cardinal O'Connor.
Quote For The Day
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Quote For The Day
[Source: La News]
Quote For The Day
[Source: Wb News]
Quote For The Day
[Source: Broadcasting News]
posted by 77767 @ 9:30 AM,

So John Cole has pretty much addressed this, but last week Jonathan Chait criticized me and others for referring to Jeffrey Rosen's piece on Sonia Sotomayor as "gossip".
"Gossip" is an effective label for those who wish to denigrate Rosen's reporting or the reputation of TNR, but it's an inaccurate one. Gossip is unverified information. Gossip is something you hear all the time--say, Senator X mistreats his staff. No serious publication can pass off gossip as reporting. However, if you actually speak with the principals firsthand--you interview staffers for Senator X who report that he mistreats them--then what you have is reporting. That's what Jeff did. He spoke first-hand with several of Sotomayor's former clerks, who provided a mixed picture. Unsurprisingly, they declined to put their names on the record, but that's utterly standard for people who are speaking in unflattering terms about people they worked with or for.
Chait is one of my favorite writers on the interwebs, but this is less than persuasive. A big publication printing gossip doesn't change the definition of gossip. The issue isn't that the information was "unverified" as in, no one told Rosen these things, it's that it was objectively unverifiable, as in, assertions about Sotomayor's intelligence are unprovable. Rosen, as a well-respected legal expert, could have made that argument himself in some form, but he didn't, possibly because he wanted to present it as an "unbiased" observation. But since the source is anonymous, there's no way to judge the individual's motivations or perspective. There's reason to give people anonymity under certain circumstances to relay unpleasant information about a colleague or a superior, but not when that information can't be verified. Anonymous, unverifiable information is gossip.
Most oddly, Chait suggests I, along with others have some sort of agenda against the New Republic. I can only speak for myself, but in my many posts on Sotomayor and Rosen, I didn't say anything about the New Republic except that to identify the publication Rosen had been writing in.?
-- A. Serwer
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
[Source: Circulation News]
[Source: Online News]
[Source: Abc 7 News]
[Source: Boston News]
posted by 77767 @ 9:06 AM,
No Surprise Here: Three Strikes Law Creates Opportunity For Encrypted VPN Services In France

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No Surprise Here: Three Strikes Law Creates Opportunity For Encrypted VPN Services In France
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
No Surprise Here: Three Strikes Law Creates Opportunity For Encrypted VPN Services In France
[Source: Cnn News]
No Surprise Here: Three Strikes Law Creates Opportunity For Encrypted VPN Services In France
[Source: Television News]
No Surprise Here: Three Strikes Law Creates Opportunity For Encrypted VPN Services In France
[Source: The Daily News]
posted by 77767 @ 5:56 AM,
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